
Showing posts from February, 2021

Elastic Search - How to install and manage multiple versions of elastic search

It is possible to install and manage multiple versions of elastic search using an Elastic search version Manager. You can simply follow below steps to install EVM and start Elastic search with your desired version: STEPS sudo curl -o /usr/local/bin/evm sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/evm evm install 7.4.0 /** You can replace 7.4.0 with your desired elastic search version **/ evm install 5.4.0 /** You can replace 5.4.0 with your desired elastic search version **/ evm use 7.4.0 /** You can replace 7.4.0 with your desired elastic search version **/ evm start curl http://localhost:9200 If you want to install another version, then you can stop the EVM and install another version in the similar manner. NOTE: For this Tutorial we have used Duydo EVM which is available here: to download and run elasticsearch version 7.4.0.