
Showing posts with the label ElasticSearch

Elastic Search - How to install and manage multiple versions of elastic search

It is possible to install and manage multiple versions of elastic search using an Elastic search version Manager. You can simply follow below steps to install EVM and start Elastic search with your desired version: STEPS sudo curl -o /usr/local/bin/evm sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/evm evm install 7.4.0 /** You can replace 7.4.0 with your desired elastic search version **/ evm install 5.4.0 /** You can replace 5.4.0 with your desired elastic search version **/ evm use 7.4.0 /** You can replace 7.4.0 with your desired elastic search version **/ evm start curl http://localhost:9200 If you want to install another version, then you can stop the EVM and install another version in the similar manner. NOTE: For this Tutorial we have used Duydo EVM which is available here: to download and run elasticsearch version 7.4.0.

Magento 2 - Vue Storefront PWA Integration: How to create a new VSBridge indexer job and Elastic Index for your custom module

For this tutorial we will consider an example of a custom module called Vendor_ModuleName . You need to have the module divante/magento2-vsbridge-indexer installed and configured in your project, in order for it to work with your Vue StoreFront PWA website. You can do this with below command: Once you have the module installed and configured correctly, create below files to generate a new VSBridge indexer and Elastic Index for your own module: Vendor_ModuleName\etc\indexer.xml Vendor_ModuleName\etc\mview.xml Vendor_ModuleName\etc\vsbridge_indices.xml Vendor\ModuleName\Model\Indexer\CustomIndexer.php Vendor\ModuleName\Model\Indexer\Mapping\CustomIndexer.php Vendor\ModuleName\etc\di.xml Now, open console and run below command: You will now see following: A new indexer job for your module in Magento admin panel > System > Tools > Index Management A new index in elastic You can refresh your indexer with php bin/magento indexer:reindex vsbr...

MAGENTO 2-PWA KUBERNETES: How to put your elastic search behind username and password

For this illustration I am using Magernto, Vue Store Front PWA, Elastic Search and Kubernetes. First goto console and type This will ask you to enter the password. Enter the password which you wish to set for elastic authentication. After this is done run below command: Copy the contents of the file. Now, In your nginx.yaml file add the following: