
Showing posts with the label Google Plus

A Complete Guide to Pinterest for Starters

If you are into Social Media, and have heard alot about Pinterest, even tried your hands on the website, But couldn't get Success ? could you ? Most people don't, so if you're one of them, this guide is for you. What Is Pinterest? Image Courtesy: And even better, there’s no real interaction required. You can sit back and look through thousands of recipe ideas, holiday suggestions, home decorating suggestions, Photography tips, inspiring quotes, DIY(Do It Yourself) projects and much much more. Yes, Pinterest has no chat Facility . This actually makes it even better, any one can follow you and you can follow  everyone without worrying about "Privacy " . Pinterest is all about 2 words: Pins and Boards.  What Is A Pin? Once you create a Pinterest account you can browse all of the “Pins” (Just like Facebook has posts, twitter has tweets, pinterest has pins). Pins are nothing but images/videos pinned by people whom you ...